Inscription #2: Holes
Supermassive is a vinyl album that features the performance of two poems — each a meditation upon the subject of black holes. The album appears in an issue of the artistic magazine: Inscription.
Side A of Supermassive features the recital of a sonnet that gets gradually prolonged, slowing down into infrasonic dronings and attenuated silences, mimicking the dilation of time as the orbiting tone-arm nears the hole at the centre of the record.
Side B of Supermassive features the recital of a long poem, entitled Afterthoughts in the Void — an opus that meditates upon the ‘absolute darkness’ at every scale of being in the cosmos (from the tiny core of the atom to the vast gulf of the void).
The Oracle at the End of Time is a sonnet that imagines the Orphic legend as a metaphor for the death of poetry at the end of time — when Orpheus perhaps steps into Hell across the horizon of a collapsar, his poetry fading into nothingness.